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~  Star Flight  ~

Space Travel - Technology -- In the Works ...

New and old Planes that don't exist?

The 'Rotational,
anti-gravity / anti-G forces plasma' matrix engine aircraft

Son of the fastest Jet - to faster yet.

The above photo of the 'Black Knight Satellite' was taken by astronauts aboard the International Space Station. It appears to be a top section of a mod-style space plane, or prototype lost and caught up in an orbit, flip-flopping around the earth. The U.S.A. was developing advanced aircraft technology in the 1930s-40s, and the mid-section of the B-2 Spirit resembles a cross between the Black-Night 'UFO' with the mid--section of the Horton flying wing, below.

The above photo is of a proto-type flying wing created by the Horten brothers of Germany in 1935, who had originally built it to be a bomber. The wings were built of intricate, light wood framing like large model airplanes and painted with an enamel-like varnish. But its' life was cut short and did not drop any bombs. It was shot-down during a dogfight with the Russians, And could not be rebuilt at the time because its designs had gone missing.

Americans had found and retrieved the broken parts and pieces, and because they had been designing their own working versions of winged stealth-craft since the early 1930s, produced 'flying-wings' in 1947-48 which could be seen taking off from the airport everyday at 4:00 P.M., one after the other, zooming south over Imperial Hwy, and Crenshaw Blvd. from the airport in Inglewood, southern California.

Their continuing prototypes became Today's flying 'bat-wingg stealth bombers--the B-2 Spirit stealth bomber, and the new nuclear capacity B-21 Raider, the latest stealth winged bomber.

The 'UFOs' above, may have been two B-2 Spirits.

Seemingly 'cloaked' UFOs keep U.S. War ship company in California waters.

Boarding during transport

Hindu temple vimanas were replicas of the ancient Danais (Danish/Celts) vimana spacecraft. Some spacecraft were put into orbit around the earth and were used by the Celts/Scythians nobles as Satellite "Hotels." Women teachers wrote in San Scrit, which meant "Holy Women's Script" describing the propulsion systems of these craft. They also had smaller, individual craft shaped like large cymbals which an individual could use. The women operated the cymbol-shapped craft by using circuit-like crystal-sets made of varying crystal's frequencies operated through, and by gold wires and rings. arm bands, ear-rings, etc, which we would only assume to be fine golden jewelry. The propulsion systems were kept secret for fear scoundrels would get a hold of them and cause trouble and damage to their societies, which they eventually did..

On Earth, building walls were thick, rooftops were flat and used as 'parking-spaces' for round-topped and bell-shapped vimanas. Entrance to the buildings were through an opening in the roof. Hence, to this day, facsimile domes and vimana-shapped architectural edifices sit atop buildings, and on land used as holy shrines and temples by the unaware, who have no knowledge to the archaic propulsion systems.

The Mahabharata relates that King Rama boasted, "We have gotten ('stolen') those hated Danais'/Danish sciences. And afterward, just as feared they attempted to build the Celtic/Scythian skycraft themselves. Modern Hindis give their ancestors the credit for the invention of these ancient craft, but the Sumerians and Babylonians also had sapcecraft, and the Babylonian Katha laws stated that the knowlegwe of flight was their heritage and given to them from 'on-High.' Elsewhere, Historical writings mention that "the Celts flew down from the north." They were also said to have flown down to the aid of their brethren in Phoenicia during a war. Sanskrit writings also stated they flew from continent to continent and from planet to planet. See rock 'henges' they left on a Martian asteroid -- See these Yawhee's miner's signs on Mars.

The vimanas used a mercury plasma spin tecnology to counter G-forces. The ancient Scythians/Celts' SanSkrit Book of Aeronautics described how the spacecraft were built. Most of these ancient Celtic/Scythian texts have still not been translated.

The Tibetan Book of the Dead states what sounds like a spacecraft hidden within a cave at the base of Mount Meru, and when you enter inside (your 'soul'), there is what appears to be an enclosed room which contains what sounds like a surrounding control panel with red, black, and other colored features; and after a stay of seven days you were told you would then proceed into a corridor which takes you into darkness (space perhaps?). The interpreter probably did not understand the intent of the visuals described that he was interpreting, and thought it a passage from death into immortality, where one enters a 'dark corridor,' stays for seven days, then continuing on, loses all contact with the earth. From the detailed description it sounds like a cave with an entrance into a spacecraft. But, if it actually was a spacecraft, how could it get out through the cave walls? It also sounds like there was another exit in the corridor, but ended in darkness--so-called death? Only certain ones went past that.

Having borrowed the book from the library, I called the publisher to order a copy, and was told the translation was out of print and not being published any longer. It also turned out there was never any Mount Meru in Tibet. But strangely, there was a Mount Meru in Africa--bordering on Kenya and Uganda off of Lake Victoria. Dr. Albert Swietzer spent most of his adult life in that location searching for what he called 'the Silver Chalice.' Had he read the Tibetan Book of the Dead, or heard of a 'silver chalice-like' object there and thought it was the legendary Christian's "Chalice?"

Old Scandinavian legends tell about Norsemen mining down inside Mount Meru with the help of little black dwarves (pygmies), but never any mention of a metallic object or craft there. The media reported that an alleged a 5,000 year-old aircraft/spacecraft had actually been found inside an Afghanistan cave in Khandahar, similar to the red-haired giant report in a cave there (See: Khandahar Giant.) Allegedy American soldiers and Russians have tried to free it, but so-far failed because of some kind of a force field around it. The alleged cave is shown above. The erroneous location given in the Tibetan Book of the Dead may have been given as a smoke-screen decoy--if it actually was referring to the Khandahar craft?

twinking star twinking star

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