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~  Mystery Gigantic Trees  ~

Earth's Secret Archaic Giant Forests & Tree Fossils

How, and by whom were the two mesa-sized trees mentioned in the video above cut down?

For a viewpoint on possible gigantic petrified trees..

Click stump picture below for another major viewpoint ..

The gargantuan and alleged petrified, "many millions" of years old tree stump below is said to be two and a half miles across, and that fully grown would have reached ten miles into the sky. It is located with others in the Mediterranean's Jugurtha's Tableland in Tunisia, which is now a UNESCO World Heritage site.

The reality is, that nothing can be found of anything from so-called "many millions" of years ago because of the compression by heavy sedementary layers and waters layed down by catastrophic flooding and tsunamis from sudden ice-age meltdowns, cataclysmic earthquakes, volcanic upheavals, and fiery meteor strikes, etc., which have occured many times in the ancient past destroying the planet according to ancient historians.

People claim the mesas are simply eroded layers of limestone left behind by "many millions" of years of rain and water wash-outs, which in itself acknowledges the action of flooding destructions which formed archaic inland seas, drowning everything, and which seas have since sunk below the earth's surface leaving only deserts and plains; along with the resulting compressed and petrified limestone now found deep underground and on mountains. But the fact remains -- limestone is still purly organic material, made up of the ground and compressed skeletons and shells of archaic critters and creatures.

Giant Tree

Giant Tree Stump Several Giants

Giant Tree

Above are photos which appear to be the remains of other giant trees that were anciently cut off with lazer beams or something similar?

Any archaic organics from "many millions" of years ago have long since been compressed into fossil fuels of oil, gases, or coal, peat, limestone, etc.; once living bodies, now only unrecognizable as sewage and particle layers of archaic organic life. Only recognizable organisms and organic bodies still partly preserved would be from a fairly recent disaster, such as in the last several thousand years. Trees which became petrified might now be broken craigs, pieces of rock or pulverized into sand.

But the alleged "petrified tree" above, with it's blobs of outer layers of vertical chunks does resemble petrified bark or wood which contrast with it's inner flat, circular, seemingly tree-ring layers of limestone, and does make the mesa appear to be a gargantuan, petrified, sawed-off tree stump.

In the late 1800s a book with research was written on the once ancient condition of the earth. It stated: "... The hills were crowned with majestic trees... The trees far surpassed in size...any now to be found; their wood was of fine grain and hard substance, closely resembling stone..." E.G.White, Chapt. 7, Patriarchs & Prophets.

Above left, is an illustration of a microscopic cutaway and general view of the cells of a modern tree. Note how the inner cells are elongated and stacked like Greek temple pillars, as are the fallen, petrified cells of the Giant's Causeway in Ireland and other petrified gargantuan, prehistoric tree trunks stacked in ruins atound the world. The inner and outer bark show elongated fiber cells the height of the tree itself. Much of the petrified outer bark of the (Devil's) Giants-Tower has fallen away and lies at the bottom as sand and stones.

The above right, shows a microscopic photograph of the cells from a modern tree. It shows that plant DNA has not changed in hundreds and thousands of years -- only size. Catastrophy and immense flooding have washed away and depleted the nutrient and mineral content of soils world-wide, thus making it impossible for animals, birds, insects, humans or plants to develope into the giant sizes they appear to have once been.

On left below is a cross section of a modern soybean stalk showing cells, and on right is a corn stalk showing cells. Below the corn stalk is a tree trunk showing cells. We might compare these with the enormous petrified tree or plant stump hexagonals of the 'Giants-Tower' and other giant prehistoric 'stem-cells' found stacked and lying around the globe.

The cell-types of different plants and tree varieties vary. Some varieties' hexagonal cells are more pronounced and defined than others. The closer the cells are to being the stalk of a plant or trunk of a tree and less packed together, the more hexagonal they stay. Hexagonal cells and shapes are usually found only in biological and organic life-forms. The gigantic petrified hexagonal stone cells of the 'Giants-Tower Stump' are also encased in a petrified facia or skin covering also found only in biological entities.

Mineral and ore crystals are not encased in cell-wall coverings, nor are lava plugs and flows, and when cooling do not form into hexagonal petrified stones cells with cell-wall facia encasing them.

The cells above left, are those showing at the top of the "Giants-Tower", and which also extend vertically all the way down to the bottom along with their petrified facia, cell-wall membranes, which climbers scale to reach the top.

The hexagonal tops of the cells showing at the top of the Giants' Tower are not variously cracked shapes of dried-out lava pieces, similar to dried-up mud flakes as found on the bottoms of sun-baked lakes and ponds; but are actually humonguous, petrified organic cells, and not a hardened, eroded, cracked-up lava plug from an extinct, once underwater volcano.

The hexagonal cells above, on the right, are those from the pith of a modern sun-flower. It also has a thin facia, or cell-wall membrane, but because of its small size in comparison with the Giants' Tower, its' petrified cell-walls do not show-up here. These Hexagonal Parenchyma cells are the basic root cells of all plants and hold a lot of moisture and other elements. Because these cells hold so much moisture, they are usually found abundant in cacti and aloe plants and found near water-ways.

The hexagonal cells in West Virginia above left, are the Stellate Parenchyma cells and have a star-like or wagon-wheel configuration -similar to coral cells. All cell walls are connected to its' neighboring cells, but separated by its' facia (outer membrane). The protruding framework on the Waffle Rock above right, has the same patterns as tree and plant cells with some irregularity like simple polygonal cells when they become tightly packed and over-crowded.

The Waffle Rock framework may have been part of an archaic giant tree or plant, and along with the compression of water and mud layers from a cataclysm petrified/silicified into stone. It's framework is not embedded deep into the mud, but petrified onto its surface. Any cellular material has flushed- out or decayed as it silicified in the mud. Or it could just be an arcaic form/mold for an ancient stone walls with conclomerate poured into the framework. Or possibly part of a petrified Basque wall of home called "waddle and daub." See: Man-Made Stones

The entire ancient globe had legends of a "Cosmic World Tree" - often metaphorically called the "Tree of Life".

From left to right:   Babylon  --  Izapan  --  Iran  --  Mesopotamia

From left to right:   Egypt  --  Maya  --  India  --  Sumer

Another World Tree symbol at left? It is said this giant geoglyph, which has been dug into the sandy hill two feet deep and about six hundred feet high, neatly outlined with stones, and facing the sea from the Bay of Pisco on the coast of Paracas Peru was a landmark for ancient sailors. Okay... but which sailors would recognize this as their World Tree symbol? Which oddly enough looks to be of archaic Basque'/Baskir origins. Each candlestick has or had seven plumes.

The name Boshko (Bashkir/Basque) meant trees, forest, bushes. The Vedic Ramayana gives directions to the west coast of the Americas from ancient mariner's accounts of voyages by way of the east coast of India and around northward, along with descriptions of landmarks referencing the ring of fire's volcanics.

Norse legends collected by Snorri Sturluson, 1220 CE for the Eddas state:
"The Ash (Ashura) is of all trees the biggest and the best. Its branches spread out over the world and extend across the sky. Three of the tree's roots support it and extend very, very far."

Another description states:

"The tree grew large and strong and its top touched the sky; it was visible to the ends of the earth." Dan 4:11.

And another:

"Look at the Ashura, it was a cedar towering high with its crown pushing up through the foliage and its beautiful branches overshadowing the forest. Springs nourished it, underground waters made it lofty, while their streams washed the soil all around it and sent channels of water to every other tree in the country. It grew taller than every other tree. Its' boughs were many, its' branches far-spreading; for water was abundant in the channels.

In its boughs all the birds of the air made their nests, under its branches all wild creatures bore their young, and in its shade all the people made their homes. A splendid, great tree it was, with its far-spreading boughs, for its roots were beside abundant water. No juniper could compare with its boughs, and no plane tree had such branches, No other tree could rival its beauty with its beautiful spreading boughs.

"But the most ruthless of foreigners cut it down, and left it lying. Its sweeping boughs fell on the mountains and in all the valleys, and its branches lay broken beside every water-course on earth. Nations shook at its downfall. All the peoples came out from under it, and left its shade. On its fallen trunk, the birds all settled, the wild creatures all sought shelter in its branches. Never again will any trees grow so high, nor will the strongest of them ever again, although well watered, attain their full height." Ezek 31.

And yet another:

"Wail, you juniper, for the cedar has fallen; the stately trees are ruined!

"Wail, you oaks! The dense forest has been cut down!" Zech 11:2.

Ancient scientific information was often "hidden" in plain sight disguised as religio-politico dogma in the form of scriptures. Here the ancient knowledge of the gigantic trees has been lifted-out of it "cover-up" propaganda decoy material - allegedly addressed to an Egyptian Pharaoh. These verses do not tell about just one great tree, but all of them.

The only place in ancient writings that tell of awesome giant cedars, and of them being cut down is in the Epic of Gilgamesh wherein Gilgamesh and the forest-man Enkidu (Sasquatch?) go into the Babylonian forest and cut down every giant cedar tree in order to anhilate the sacred tree homes of the giant Anunnaki. Enkidu, knowing where these tree homes were located was himself an Anunnaki, as was Gilgamesh, his look-a-like:


"Together Gilgamesh and Enkidu went down into the forest
and they came to the green mountain.

There they stood still, they were struck dumb;
they stood still and gazed at the forest.


They saw the great height of the cedar,
they saw the way into the forest...

The hugeness of the cedar rose in front of the mountain,
its shade was beautiful, and full of comfort;

mountain and glade were green with brushwood...
They (Gilgamesh and Enkidu) then attacked the cedars...

They pressed on into the forest,
bearing their swords of eight talents.

They uncovered the sacred dwellings of the Anunnaki, and
while Gilgamesh felled the first of the trees of the forest,

Enkidu cleared their roots
as far as the banks of the Euphrates...

Then Enkidu looked far and wide
and lamented, and cried ..

"We have reduced the forest to a wasteland."

More at: Sumerian Legend of Gilgamesh...

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