Cuba - Under-Sea Triangle |
Bahamas - Under-Sea Triangle |
Bermuda - Under-Sea Triangle |
Triangles on a once dry area of Nile Delta below, and ancient road lines leading to the Triangles. Herodotus stated the
Mediterranean had once been only a narrow harbor. Since then, because of ice age melts the oceans have risen many
hundreds of feet.
Note triangle upon a curved,
snake-shaped structure found in Florida Bay region below in right frame. Under sea triangle structure on left
and dark one in center-bottom, below?
Land Triangles Below: |
Kentucky - USA |
Carved on an ancient rock in Malibu, southern Califotnia |
Peru's Triangle Strip |
Northwest-Territory Canada |
Canadian Mountains |
Argentina - S.A. |
Lake victoria Africa |
Ayer's Rock - Australia |
Kansas - USA |